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My 2 Passion Projects

Pt.1; Currently I am a proud aunty of 3 nephews and with 2 nieces on their way! So for my passion project I teamed up with my talented older sister to create a book for her son.This book is important to me as in the culture that I inherited from my father, when someone asks "what is your name?" The actual direct translation is "who's your name?" It is known and recognized in the Samoan Culture that you are the sum of all of your family, present and those from before. This book is to help my nephew and hopefully many more in the Pasifika community to know and feel exactly "who's their name." I illustrated and my sister Sala, wrote all of the text.

Page 1: 


Long, long ago

Our people came to be

They often left their islands

Because they loved the sea

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They worked hard together
Venturing in teams
Persisting through challenges
Chasing their dreams

Page 3: 

They explored the vast ocean
By reading the sky
Navigating at night
As the moon and stars passed by


Page 4: 

They were courageous
Curious, clever, and strong
They passed down their wisdom
Until you came along

Page 5: 

You’re everything they hoped for
And dreamed of, it’s true! 
Oh, my child, please remember
They live on inside of you 

You are courageous
Curious, clever, and strong
Their wisdom’s inside you 
To them, you’ll always belong


They’re cheering you on
They’re watching you grow
They’re proud of you, baby
They love you more than you know 

Learn their language
Study their art
Honor your ancestors
Let their love fill your heart 

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
Oh, my child, please remember
They live on inside of you 

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Pt. 2; I'm currently making a digital portrait of the friends I've made in the adlab. Each is unique to their likes, or are inside jokes, or purely how I see them. 

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